마추픽추 티켓
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2014년 8월 25일, 03:12

Good day

I am truly baffled by the cost of the 2 day Inca Trail and would like to know how it can possibly be the same price as a 4 day trail? My understanding is that the 4 day trail includes food for 4 days, porters who carry all your equipment and so on yet your price table shows they are exactly the same? It makes no sense at all.

Can you please explain!



Re: Query
Messages: 825
2014년 8월 25일, 13:16


Thank you for your email. The 2-day trek is very different from the 4-day trek. You are comparing 2 things that cannot be compared, that is all. Firstly, there are more transfers and a round trip trip by train because you have to take the train to get to the departure point. Secondly, it is less crowded, so it costs more. Finally, every agency is free to set the prices accordingly to the services they offer. It is just a coincidence that the prices are the same.

Should you need anything else feel free to contact us anytime.

Best regards,

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