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Ticket for Machu Picchu
Neela V. R.
2015년 5월 04일, 21:56


I would like to buy one ticket for Machu Pichu and Wayna for the 13-14-15 (any of the days would be fine ) but your site is not showing any of the dates.

Does that mean the dates are all booked?

Do let me know, how I can make the booking ..



Re: Ticket for Machu Picchu
Messages: 825
2015년 5월 04일, 23:33

Hello Nella,

Thank you for your email. You don't indicated for what month you want the tickets, so we cannot confirm if there are spaces or not. Please notice that for May and June and some days of July, spaces are already sold out.

You can check the availability page for real time availability for all agencies: https://www.ticket-machupicchu.com/dispo/index.php?lg=en&year=2015&month=05#cal . All the information on our websites is up to date. If you see 000, that means there are 0 spaces left.

Best regards,

Re: Ticket for Machu Picchu
Messages: 825
2015년 5월 05일, 09:30

Hello Neela,

Everything is sold out for Wayna Picchu until July. You can still go to Machu Picchu but without wayna picchu.

*Please check the availability page for real time availability for all agencies: https://www.ticket-machupicchu.com/dispo/index.php?lg=en&year=2015&month=05#cal

All the information on our websites is up to date. If you see 000, that means there are 0 spaces left.

Best regards,

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