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Machu Picchu tickets
Abhay K.
2015년 3월 08일, 13:46

Dear Sir,

Hi, I am Abhay from Bangalore, India. I along with 22 friends are visiting Peru in May 2015. We have planned to visit Machu Picchu on 23rd May 2015.

We wish to book the Machu Pichu with Mountana tickets for for 23 adults aged between 35 to 50 years. Please send us your best rates.

Thanks & Regards,


Re: Machu Picchu tickets
Messages: 825
2015년 3월 10일, 09:43

Hello Abhay,

Thank you for your email and your interest in our services. Our rates are the same whether you are 1 or 100 because it is an individual ticket. However, we can offer you a free ticket for you so you only purchase for your 22 friends and we will add your ticket for free. You can go ahead and book your tickets. Make sure you send us by email your details (name, document number, etc) to add your ticket to the reservation.

Best regards,

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