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Very happy with Ticket-MachuPicchu.com
Joe M.
2013년 2월 17일, 11:50

I recently purchased my tickets to Machu Picchu on your website, which I must say was very easy to use, compared to the website.

I though you would like to know that I have written a blog with links to your website as I think it is the best way to buy tickets in advance.

I would like to add a logo too, if you want to supply one I will add this to my post.




Re: Very happy with Ticket-MachuPicchu.com
Messages: 825
2013년 2월 20일, 00:26

Dear Joe,

Thank you for your nice email and for trusting us the purchase of your tickets to Machu Picchu. We are glad we could be of help. We would also like to thank you for your comments and links on your blog, which is very interesting by the way.

As requested, you will find in attachment 2 files with our logos, feel free to use them on your blog.

Also, we would like to include your message on our "Reviews

We wish you a very nice stay in our country in May.

Kind regards,

Re: Very happy with Tickets-MachuPicchu.com
Joe M.
2013년 2월 20일, 05:47

Thank you very much for the logos, I have now updated my post with the added logos. You are free to use my comments on your website.




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