마추픽추 티켓
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정보 센터 » 마추 픽추 » 마추피추 (Machu Picchu) 방문
마지막 업데이트: 2024년 10월 22일

마추 픽추 방문 규정

Note: Adapted from the original regulations available in Spanish on the Ministry of Culture Cusco website.


The Historical Sanctuary of Machu Picchu, recognized by UNESCO as a Cultural and Natural World Heritage, is a protected site. Entrance to the Inca citadel and the optional sites is limited and certain rules apply:

Machu Picchu

Wayna Picchu

Machu Picchu Mountain

Manuel Chávez Ballón Museum

In general


During the visit to Machu Picchu, the following are prohibited:

Engaging in acts or bringing prohibited items from this list will result in the visitor's immediate expulsion without the right to a refund and the initiation of corresponding legal actions. Park rangers from the Ministry of Culture and agents from the National Police are the authorities within the monument.

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